efy 2018
Hey guys! Earlier this summer I was able to attend a youth program for my church called efy ( especially for youth) here I was able to take classes, met new friends and grow closer to my heavenly father. It was truly an amazing experience for me and I really wanted to document all of the highlights! So here are some photos of my trip! I also vlogged it maybe one day I will edit the footage and add it onto here (:

Day 1! Me and my roomie Eliza had arrived at BYU and after unpacking a little we had me the girls in our company! unfortunately this is the only photo i took the first day... guess I was still a little shy.. (;

And this is also the only photo I took Tuesday... don't worry there will be more other days. this was take during lunch I believe. Also because it was Tuesday we had a dance that night and we all know that was a blast! reminder to future self check out the footage from that day!

this is one of the teachers from one of our classes! he was hilarious! and fun fact if it wasn't obvious he has no legs! he was hit by a semi when he was a little kid! insane right!

during lunch me and my sister sidney felt the need to take a billion selfies, i give you the pleasure of viewing this one.

WARRIOR WEDNESDAY! on Wednesday we were challenged to post a photo in instagram with the hashtag warrior Wednesday! here was me and elizas take on it!

game night! one of my favorite nights. also this is before we played all the games and became totally filthy..... lol. and right after this followed the most amazing fun pizza party!

Thursday is one of the coolest and most amazing days at efy we all are in church dress and we get to have a day set aside where they make it almost impossible to not feel the spirt, sure to recharge anyones spiritual batteries! also can i just say how amazing these girls are!?

a quick pic before heading off to testimony meeting! sure love this girl!!

its friday aka picture day so prepare for and overload!

me snaping a sneaky pic after breakfast!

me and my girls right after scripture study! ohh how i miss them!

me and the gorlsss again during photo time!

my cali friends that i traveled with having a good time at the dance!

the boys in our group... miss them

my amazing company and counselors!
and thats it! I hoped you enjoyed seeing what my time at efy looked like! if you have any questions about my trip you are welcome to ask me!